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Virtual Retreat July 2015 - Join Anytime

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    Love the quilt Geneva!!! Good thing I'm not the one with the bowl :blink:

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Wow just been watching Helen Godden couching on Utube. I'm getting my foot out of it's packet.

      Love all your projects

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Originally posted by "twiglet" post=131530
        Wow just been watching Helen Godden couching on Utube. I'm getting my foot out of it's packet.

        Love all your projects
        I feel silly that I've not heard of her, except I *think* maybe she was on TQS some time ago....maybe?? I hope the class doesn't fill up. I've no idea how that works, how quickly they fill, etc. I did not pick a 2nd choice class.....maybe I should have? In case this one is full? I don't know. None of the others at that time really speak to me, so figured if not, I'll just wander the show

        Her website though is hilarious; her personality just seems like an amazing fit to me.

        Thanks for the comments too on my stuff It's fun stuff.

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Heather I love your fork and spoon table runner. It is so cute! Nice work on the placemats. Have fun with the curved piece and the Halloween piece. How nice your husband is involved.

          Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the wedding quilt. I hope she likes it.

          And, of course I will show you what I make with my new group! You guys are my main squeeze!!!

          What M&Ms? I haven't seen any M&Ms! drool, chomp, crunch :blink:



            Wow, everyone has been busy. I am still working on my portrait quilt. I love everyone's pictures, just have been to busy to post.
            Heather, your table runner is great, and the place mats too. I think you will probably manage to get into your class. Hope you do. Have fun, and enjoy the show!


              Ooh Cathy whose portrait are you doing? Can we see it so far

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                I like your table runner. The colors are nice and cheerful. I could see that design on placemats, kids would love it!
                I hope you get into the class. I also saw Helen doing free motion couching work on her Eagle. If you can view it on you tube you'll be impressed!

                I just finished getting dye onto a batch of fat quarters. They are basking in the sunshine. I am out of many of my favorite colors now,,, I see an order happening very soon!

                Till later,
                May God bless your day with a happy ending,

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Wonderful projects, Heather! Good luck on getting into your class. A few classes do fill up by the first day of registration because people who took classes in the previous 2 years get to sign up for classes a little earlier. Or, at least they are supposed to. This is the first year that I got my catalog in the mail before registration opened so was able to register early, even though this will be my 4th year in a row. I always sign up for a bunch of classes since it's a big trip for me and last year two of my first choices were full even though I signed up before 7am on the day the registration opened. But they were very popular teachers -- Eleanor Burns and Melinda Bula. This year I mailed in my registration the day after I got the catalog and just got an email yesterday letting me know that I got all of my first choices. Yea!!!

                  Love your dye colors, Luann! Can't wait to see how the fabrics turn out! So sorry that you're going to have to go shopping.


                    Looking for bargello quilting inspiration Geneva, did you don any fancy quilting or is it just SiD on your quilt? I have tried googling & pinterest for help, the main suggestion I can find that isn't sid is feathers over the coloured band - not sure I am up to feathers at this scale :unsure: but would like to do something a bit different than just sid...

                    and for a quick update, this is where I am so far -


                      Heather, you've certainly been very busy. Love the table runners - totally fab! Great idea to get your hubby involved in the fabric shopping / will get him hooked :evil:

                      Luann, those dye pots look absolutely scrumptious / and you'll get to do more shopping too - life is good!

                      Love that quilt, Rosemary, certainly shows the seamstress' love of detail - and patience - as much as I like it there'll never be a similarly perfect project from me - at least I know my limitations :blink: :P :silly:


                        Wow it's amazing

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Rosemary your quilt is amazing. Is this the quilt that you are entering in FoQ? Beautiful


                            What is FoQ?
                            Everyone's projects are so nice. I keep getting inspired more all the time
                            The order for more dye powder has been placed.

                            Off to search for chocolate!


                              I would have a hard time putting any quilting on top of all those small pieces, even ditching ! You have done a superb job of piecing. Our guild is doing a challenge to the members to do a 'truly miniature'. Seams, stitching, the whole shebang! I'm going to watch it from the sidelines!! I'd rather "go big or go home", LOL
                              You can be very proud of all your perseverance on this one, for sure!


                                I'm speechless, Rosemary! Your maximin is stunning!

                                FoQ is the Festival of Quilts in England.


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