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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    I'm busy unpicking a row of fmq on a baby quilt I've made. Why don't I just stop when I see it's not working instead of going right across the quilt

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Originally posted by "twiglet" post=134451
      I'm busy unpicking a row of fmq on a baby quilt I've made. Why don't I just stop when I see it's not working instead of going right across the quilt
      If you ever find the answer to that one Wendy I'd like to know too. I always think it will sort itself out once I get more done but so far that has never happened. Little comfort to you I know but at least you know you're not alone


        Dorothy, somebody is going to feel like a very lucky person when he/she opens the parcel that contains your quilt. What a great idea ot use a panel this way


          Ribit. Ribit.Ribit. We've all been there. That sweet baby will appreciate your hard work.


            Dorothy - Really like your attic window with panel!
            Wendy - Yikes re un-quilting a row.


              Tis done, really hard when you've used invisible thread :lol:

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                Wendy, we were sewl sisters today. I spent the day undoing, remeasuring, trimming, resewing and reblocking the mystery quilt. Ugh!

                When you get the answer to why we continue on when the little (smart) voice is screaming at us let me know.



                  Whew! That was fun! 7 children from between 2 months to 10 years and 10 adults for supper. :cheer:

                  I think I`ll be back to the virtual quilting retreat this week. That was Christmas for one half of the family who will all be far and away from here at real Christmas, spread out from Halifax to Florida! I`ve got to get back to binding a quilt and finishing up the wedding one for the real Christmas day. Oh, and the mystery quilt too!

                  Plus bought some new Kaffe fabric for another project, :silly: and some Kona solids for a Luigi quilt for my grandson. Lots to keep me busy.

                  Merry Weekend everyone!


                    Wendy, I've found that I quite like unpicking invisible thread, because it doesn't split, like a twisted one, and I found that it was easy to slide the unpicker under it and if your light is angled right, it glints off and is not too bad to find. I used it for basting lines on Caught Red Handed. Still no fun having to unpick though.

                    Terri, sounds like you had lots of fun - 2 'Christmases' in one year.


                      Everyone is making such wonderful quilts! Congrats to all!

                      Geneva, I felt your pain when the knots all came out. I steamed my confetti landscape quilt, and the tulle melted in a few places. So, now I am adding more rocks, on the very top, to cover those areas. And a log. Not necessarily in the exact spots I wanted, but it is what it is!

                      And, I did listen to those of you who commented on my not making baby quilts! I will make (without asking) toddler, or big girl quilts. They will have a quilt from grandma! My good friend Debbie, is making a wedding quilt for each of the grands, NOW, while she is still able to. Who knows our abilities 10 to 15 years from now. Great idea! I may follow that example!

                      I attended our guild's Christmas Pot Luck over the weekend, and it was wonderful! I took my neighbor/friend, who is a non quilter. I'm not even sure she owns a sewing machine. I am hoping she will eventually have an interest in quilting. We will see!

                      Have a great week!


                        Congratulations Terrie on the safe arrival of your little one. What a scarey time it can be. May he grow to be strong wise and a bundle of fun. Xx

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Hello everyone!

                          I'm back from visiting my son, daughter in law and granddaughter in Southern Ca. It was a lovely trip, too short though. We had a hilarious time getting there. Anything that could go wrong did. Well, no planes crashed, but I wouldn't have been surprised if it did.

                          I was in charge of Victorina Rose while everyone went to work and appointments last Friday. We had a lovely time! I brought the latest AQS magazine and let me tell you, Rosie loved it!

                          Hopefully the picture will come out right side up!

                          I haven't been sewing much due to travel, caring for my mom and just stuff. I want to get the last border on the mystery quilt, then get started on the row by row quilt piece. I was fretting and worrying over what to make, even drafting very difficult blocks, and then Rosie showed me some really easy and cool blocks in the AQS magazine that would adapt very nicely. So now I've stopped all fretting and am ready to roll. Aren't grand children wonderful?!

                          It is a beautiful day here in Eastern WA. I am so blessed to live in a wonderful place.

                          Happy Monday everyone!



                            I'm so proud of you, sharing your love of quilting with the future generations! Grandkids are such a blessing.


                              What a gorgeous picture. Your 2 loves together.

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Originally posted by "genevacarroll" post=134598
                                Hello everyone!

                                I'm back from visiting my son, daughter in law and granddaughter in Southern Ca. It was a lovely trip, too short though. We had a hilarious time getting there. Anything that could go wrong did. Well, no planes crashed, but I wouldn't have been surprised if it did.

                                I was in charge of Victorina Rose while everyone went to work and appointments last Friday. We had a lovely time! I brought the latest AQS magazine and let me tell you, Rosie loved it!

                                Hopefully the picture will come out right side up!

                                I haven't been sewing much due to travel, caring for my mom and just stuff. I want to get the last border on the mystery quilt, then get started on the row by row quilt piece. I was fretting and worrying over what to make, even drafting very difficult blocks, and then Rosie showed me some really easy and cool blocks in the AQS magazine that would adapt very nicely. So now I've stopped all fretting and am ready to roll. Aren't grand children wonderful?!

                                It is a beautiful day here in Eastern WA. I am so blessed to live in a wonderful place.

                                Happy Monday everyone!

                                Geneva, You always make me laugh. I wish I could meet you! Rosie looks like a quilter! See how bright eyed she is wanting to devour that magazine. Way to get her started.


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