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Virtual Retreat Aug thru Dec 2015 Info on first post

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    Heather, congratulations on your ribbons - it is great seeing something you have made hanging in a show, isn't it.

    Luann, glad to her that you are currently high & dry(ish).


      I put this on the Row group, it should be here.
      Today I finished The Princess

      I'm getting things off that 'intention list' of mine. YEAH,


        Cathy your portrait is beautiful. What a special memento.

        LuAnn sending good thoughts to you with your rain. And, have fun on vacation! Did you tell us where you are going? Or maybe you didn't want us to know. hmy:

        Heather, Yay! Ribbons are good whatever color they come in. It's so nice to be recognized by fellow quilters. I hope these wins encourage you to jump off the deep end and do more designing. And yes, always stay true to you and what you want. I used to tell my students, if you are quilting and are not having fun, go and clean some toilets. It will help change your perspective. ops:

        Margarita, keep on quilting! I remember seeing your quilt at your home and being so impressed with it. Miss you...

        So, are you ready for another Sybil tantrum? For those just catching up, Sybil is my Bernina 730 and she has an attitude. She was off having an affair with Mr. Fix It for 2 months this summer due to her smoking habit. Now she has ants. For the past few days when I am sewing, all of a sudden an ant will crawl out and try to get under the needle. Eww! No ants anywhere else in the house, just on Sybil.

        While visiting our kids and grands in New Jersey last weekend my sweet dau-in-law mentioned how much she enjoyed and used a little zip bag I had made for her in 2011. I told her when we go to JoAnn's to pick out the girl's soccer trophy fabric (more on that later) she should pick out fat quarters for me to make her some more bags. She had fun and so did I! I finished them today. They are about 7 1/2" by 5". I so like to make things for people when I know they really want/like them.

        My granddaughters get these little iron in soccer patches every week at practice. They asked if I would make a small quilt for them to press the patches onto. Will I?!! Took the 4 and 5 year old to JoAnn's and watched as they picked out their fabric. Such fun. The 5 year old wanted beads hanging off hers! I will work on these tomorrow and hope to get them out to them late this week.

        On a personal note, my "baby" is 32 today and he and his wife are expecting Victorina Rose any day. Life is good..... and goes by too fast.

        Take care everyone..... geneva


          She turned out beautiful, Luann!

          What wonderful projects, Geneva! It really is fun to make things for people who appreciate them! I'm sorry that I laughed when you said Sybil now has ants. The poor girl has the strangest problems! I hope you can get them to find a new home.


            Geneva, I want to see a closeup of the label in your little zip pouches. Sorry for such limited posts. Tired. Trying to catch up and get back in a routine. Reading everything on all the threads. Love all my quilting friends.


              (((hugs))) to Lois. Perhaps a quiet cuppa tea? Or something stronger?
              Geneva - they're great! Yes, I'd also like to see the label close-up.
              Heather - Yahoo on the ribbons!! Did you already show us pics of those quilts that won, or do I just forget where they are?

              Luann- prayers and take care.


                Woohoo Luann - Princess looks great!! Hope you have a nice and dry vacation get-a-way too.

                Geneva - Love the bags. Fun to its your sons birthday and that baby Victorina Rose due date is near.

                Lois - Nice to see you.



                  Ok, I'm going to soooo enjoy getting away!! I have this crazy idea that I've just gotta finish my 'left overs' from August!! And I am,,,
                  Here's Canberra Tree. The binding is cut, but I'm too tired to see straight, so sewing that on will happen tomorrow.

                  And a few close ups of some of the designs I used

                  When I get this done tomorrow, I will straighten my house, do my laundry, and pack.
                  We plan to leave on Thursday about 5am. But we have to make sure the route is safe!! There are OVER 580 Roads closed in South Carolina due to unsafe conditions, bridges out, etc etc. we have an alternate route possible, and if we choose to take it we want to leave on Wednesday late afternoon due to the added travel hours. I'm anxious to see my Grandkids but I don't want to be caught in a bad situation that could be avoided. I'm even willing to postpone the trip if need be. I'm going to be heading to northern Illinois, northern Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's a rather packed 12-14 days. But at least I'm not going by myself this time.
                  Oh,,, I've gotta pack something to keep my fingers busy when I'm not driving! Now what should it be? The roads are rough, one time I stabbed myself so hard with my embroidery needle that I thought I might need to go to the ER in Indianapolis! LOL
                  I'll be back before you know I'm gone.


                    Love that thread work AnnieLu is that called thread painting or I does it have to be a heavier threading to be called that?very pretty.


                      I'm on my way from Florida to Indiana tomorrow hope I don't get into to much rain or traffic.


                        Originally posted by "Quilterslife" post=133527
                        I'm on my way from Florida to Indiana tomorrow hope I don't get into to much rain or traffic.
                        Stay safe!


                          Welcome QuiltersLife, glad to see you found us
                          enjoy & be safe!


                            Geneva no more munching when sewing!! When I started a new post the first thing I did was take off all the letters from the keyboard and remove the last occupants breakfast lunch and snacks eugh...surprised that didn't have ants

                            I do feel for all the flooded people, keep safe. On journeys as well as at home.

                            Lovely work Luann did you quilt tree on longarm?

                            Heather well done a great achievement , we're all proud of you.

                            Lois xx

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Originally posted by "Quilterslife" post=133526
                              Love that thread work AnnieLu is that called thread painting or I does it have to be a heavier threading to be called that?very pretty.
                              I would call this thread painting, but I'm not a stickler for exact definitions or rules. There's also a term "thread sketching" that could be used for this, but in my mind I see that as more like going over the same line multiple times with variations in where the line goes (does that even make sense?) so that you get a line that looks more like you are sketching on paper. Whatever you call it, it sure is beautiful!


                                Geneva, I can't imagine why ants are in your sewing machine! That is one I have never heard before! Your little cases are ever so cute! It must have been quite a treat to shop with your grandkids, picking out fabric! They are special!

                                Luann, I would be a nervous wreck traveling in you area right now! I tend to overthink the "what ifs!" But, it sounds like you have taken precautions to avoid the worst roads, and have a plan if the rain and flooding get worse. Anyway, Princess looks like she has a front and center spot to hang and survey her kingdom! She turned out pretty cool! And nice and flat. Remember my jester's face for the Hoffman Challenge? She got folded in half, and now looks almost scary! So, I have more to learn about faces! Like quilting them more!!!

                                QuiltersLife....I'm so glad you finally found our Forum! And, welcome! I hope my directions for you were helpful. Oh, I love your profile page picture, snuggled up to your hubby! Very cute! I hope your trip is a good and safe one!

                                Every month our guild has what we call Sew Day. We sew quilts for the community...many different charities and also the chemo and dialysis clinics. Anyway, we get lots of donations of fabric and threads. And, a lot of it we cannot use, like polyester fabrics and rayon threads. Well, when I walked in to sew yesterday, I was offered a whole big bag of Medeira rayon thread, for machine embroidery. My gosh, there must be 30 spools, in a nice range of colors, and probably worth over $150. I was thrilled! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Maybe I can embroider some blocks for a charity quilt. Like fishing gear or forest animals. We tend to be shy on guy quilts!



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