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logging in

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    logging in

    i just spent 10 minutes typing in my password and having it bounce. i went to password reset and put in the same one. tried to log in again, failed again. finally able to log in. I was on this morning and had to sign in, even though I had checked remember me. Is this a temporary glitch? cause I really don't want to log in every time, especially if I have to reset my password. Kathy

    Not quite the same problem...but out of the blue....Had to change browser from Firefox to Chrome to get here !! :evil: :evil: :evil:
    Anyone else having trouble with browsers today ??


      Kathy I have been having a problem as well, I used to just have to click on login and then login again on the dark blue login button but now I have to type username and password every time even though I have reset password and remember me, it's a real pain.


        Originally posted by "idaho" post=129099
        Not quite the same problem...but out of the blue....Had to change browser from Firefox to Chrome to get here !! :evil: :evil: :evil:
        Anyone else having trouble with browsers today ??
        What was happening with Firefox? Were you getting something like "Method Not Implemented"? That's the problem that I've had several times and I've been using Chrome for a couple of months now. I've been able to fix it in the past by clearing out my browser cache and cookies. But it sucks to clear out your cookies because you have to relog in to all of your sites. This last time I tried just clearing out the recent cookies, but that didn't do it and I just didn't want to deal with starting over again.

        What I think is happening is there is a network glitch while the TQS site is talking to your browser, probably while writing a cookie, and the TQS cookie gets corrupted and the site can't recover from that. I have a flaky network so I see it more often. But that's just a theory and I don't have a way to test it nor am I interested in debugging the site myself. I told Bob my theory, but as far as I can tell he's not looking at it since the clearing of the cookies seems to fix it.


          I should also mention that this doesn't seem to be a Firefox-specific problem. I also had it on Iceweasel on a Linux system and I believe Lois was using Safari when she had it. I think I also had it on Chrome, but I've had so many problems that I don't remember for sure.


            Thanks, Nancy...Guess I've just been lucky....I'll give it a try !! :dry: :blink:


              That seemed to work for now ! Hope this doesn't become a common problem ! Thanks a bunch !


                I have had problems with the login for the past couple of days as well. Sometimes I think it's to do with my computer, and sometimes not. I know that we had trouble with our internet connection in the past few days, which might not have helped. Also, I just updated various applications on my laptop and restarted my computer and I think that might be where some of the problems lie. But I can't be sure if that is always the case. Sometimes it seems that no matter how many times I login and tick the 'remember me' box I am just forgettable. :lol: Really didn't like this new website in the beginning, and time has not made me like it any better.


                  Interestingly, the one thing that always works for me is the "remember me". I only have to log in after clearing cookies or upgrading the browser. Then I click "remember me" again and I'm in forever. I really don't understand why that works differently for different users.

                  I can also say that this is the only Web site that I have any problems with. All other Web sites seem to work just fine for me, including their cookies.


                    The problems others are having are perplexing, because I have never had a problem logging on to TQS since I joined 8 years ago.

                    My problems were due to internet provider, not the TQS website. When we had Verizon, I had problems with internet connection when watching the TQS shows. It was very slow at times and sometimes stopped completely.
                    My husband got disgusted with Verizon's high speed internet, and asked a few neighbors what internet provider they were using and how they liked it. He switched to Shantel. Since then we have had no problems. Often at our house 2 or 3 people are on the internet at the same time, and are watching Netflix in one room and Acorn TV in another.

                    I use Chrome and Safari, often both at the same time. It is fast. I haven't had any problems accessing the TQS website or logging on since we switched internet providers. I do have to log on each time - IF I forget to click the "remember me" button each time. That is no big problem to me, because response time is like lightning. I don't have to clear cookies.
                    It is a puzzle.



                      While I seem to be working now..won't hold my breath ! Agree with Rita and Nancy... lots not so hot inch:
                      with this site.....I don't love the mechanics of it at all. As for logging in...mine comes and goes with no particular
                      pattern. Doesn't seem as tho' anyone is working on the site at all....wonder what happen there? We've lost lots of
                      members I think due to the frustration.....


                        So...speaking of logging in.... :blink: just had to...again....had not had to several times.....but...once again ! :evil: :evil: :evil:


                          Don't like to boast, but I haven't had any problems at all recently ( you watch, it will all go down the pan now :whistle: ) and that is using boring old IE.


                            Don't like the new site at all. I work full time and I don't have time to figure out everything that used to be easy to do or find. I used to spend a lot of time on the old site but with the new site I get frustrated so easily that I don't spend hardly any time on it anymore.


                              That's a shame Lk2stch because the home page is very good now and if you use the forum and the 'recent topics' button it's easy to keep up to date. The Community part of the website can get confusing and frustrating so I avoid that most of the time

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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