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What is your most favorite feature on your sewing?

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    Originally posted by "maury47" post=128624
    What did you end up with?
    The new Brother Dream Machine. It has everything that everyone has mentioned in this thread, and then some! I have never had a thread cutter, automatic needle threader, and many more of the newest features. I'm looking forward to working with the build in camera, the laser line, and huge embroidery capability. One of my big considerations, was how much were parts and service going to be over the next "fixed income" years. Like; Bernina's new larger bobbins are $5 apiece. I can get 20 bobbins for that price for my new Brother. That's a big deal to me. I can't wait to play with it and see all of the things it will do, that I don't even know about yet!



      Maybe - considering the delay in getting your machine - your dealer would let you come into his shop and take lessons on his demo machine. ...or go through the manual sitting at his machine. Then when your machine finally arrives, you would already know how to operate most of it.



        Originally posted by "JudithA" post=128626
        Maybe - considering the delay in getting your machine - your dealer would let you come into his shop and take lessons on his demo machine. ...or go through the manual sitting at his machine. Then when your machine finally arrives, you would already know how to operate most of it.

        Hey that's a really great idea Judith. Gives you a head start Dawn!
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Karen and Judith.........That is the plan! I will find out what days work for them next week, and jump right in. I did take a couple of faux projects to try out a couple of techniques that I wanted to learn, when I was test driving it. I think I will even see if there is a manual somewhere online, that I can study. It may too new to find, but hey, it's worth a try!

          in beautiful Northwest Montana


            Congratulations on your new machine!



              Dawn, I am glad that you are getting a chance to try out the demo sewing machine. That gives you a chance to be ahead of the game when you recieve your new sewing machine. I just purchased a new machine also. I bought an Elna Excellence 730. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles like your machine does but mine has all the new is a very solid machine which I like...and it is a quilting machine so there is a lot of room to put a large quilt into the space beyond the needle above the sewing deck. I can't wait to try it all out when I pick it up tomorrow. I choose this machine as the present owners are in the process of selling the business to new owners and they are having a whopping blowout sale. I got a great price...and the new folks will service etc. The shop isn't far from my home so it is handy if I need them. I will still recieve training from them also so I won't be left out to hang so to speak. The one feature that I love if you put on the 1/4 inch foot and hit the right thing on the computer its sews a perfect 1/4 inch seam for you and you don't even need to hold onto your material to guide it. That's how excellent the feed dogs work. Also you can lengthen as well as widen the decorative stitches. You can move one stich at a time for appliqué which is a blessing as well. I hope I will be as happy with my machine as I know you are with yours so happy sewing when it arrives...


                Dunning.......I'm sure you will have as much fun as I am going to, with a whole lot more money left in your pocket! One of the things I did not mention on my machine is the digital dual feed dog system (or something like that) and it sounds like you have something similar. I was pretty much blown away by that perfect 1/4 inch seam, just as you were. Too bad we couldn't have had all of these wonderful new features long ago!

                In beautiful Northwest Montana


                  Well, I got a phone call late Friday, that my sewing machine had just arrived. We picked it up yesterday morning. I am thrilled! She is beautiful! When I first turned her on, the touch screen came on with beautiful music, and said "The Dawn Of Creativity." DAWN.....can you believe THAT! Anyway, I am still blown away by the size of the screen. Almost the exact size of an IPad!

                  I learned how to thread it, although the first time I did it wrong. :blush: I pretty much know what everything is that I unpacked, and found storage areas in my room for all of the hoops and the scanner/embroider section. I have 4 hoops. Small, medium, large, and huge....about 13" x 20"! Now, at first glance that seems pretty cool, but then I realized I could be investing a lot of money in thread, if I use the huge hoop very often! hmy: I found the settings, and lowered the sound and set the default needle position. And, set the clock and date. Not sure what I need those for, but I set them anyway. And, I played in the equivalent of "Paint" in "My Design Center." DH had to help me a bit, because I got my buckets and my eye droppers mixed up. inch: Just haven't work in it for a while and forgot!

                  I'll play some more today. I want to find the laser light line, and also see if I can wind a bobbin. And, try some more of the cool decorative stitches. Oh, and try the needle up and needle down with the foot pedal, and the cut the thread with the other foot pedal. I forgot about those yesterday.



                    Oh Dawn, Your very own little Dawn! You sound like a kid in a candy store!

                    Have a blast!



                      That's so wonderful, Dawn! Can't wait to see your first masterpiece!!


                        Sound great. I am happy for you and it is great hearing about the fun you are having.


                          Dawn, I am so happy that your sewing machine arrived. I picked mine up on Friday also. What a learning curve eh? I feel like a duck out floundering in the deep sea but today I am much more relaxed using it. Good thing that hubby is an electronic tech for he was showing me how to do things. I learn so much faster by being shown than I do looking at pictures and instructions and trying to figure them out. I can't imagine how much you have to learn with all your features but what a trip it will be experiencing them. Wow! Happy sewing and designing Dawn. I live directly North of Montana by he way...


                            Terri, Good luck with your new machine. We will all want to see what you are making to try her out.

                            Dawn, I am afraid now that your machine has come we will not see hide nor hair of you. Have fun playing.


                              Terri, I'm so glad you got your new machine, too! Yes, what a learning curve! But, it keeps us using our minds and being creative, instead of sitting in from of the TV doing mindless stuff. I knew you were from Canada, because you ended your sentence with "eh?" A dead give away! But, I don't know if it is Alberta or Saskatchewan, because Montana is directly south of both. Anyway, have a lot of fun playing with your new machine!

                              Lois, I will appear regularly! I don't have much of an attention span, so won't be with my new machine all the time! Actually, my current project is almost all hand appliqué. The timing for the machine is sort of ironic. But, I won't complain!!!



                                Dawn, you caught me red-handed with the "eh"? I am from Alberta. Thank you, I practised sewing all the different modes and feet and then was trying all the different patterns etc. And before I knew it it was 7:00 pm and I hadn't started dinner yet. Lol my hubby takes it with a grain of salt...pardon the pun. Time just slips away from me when I am having a blast I guess. I have a few quilt blocks that I should be putting together but I need to get more comfortable with Elna yet.

                                Lois thank you also for your kind words. Are you from Montana as well?



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