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    Member status

    Hi, I've been a member now since 2011. I've noticed that my membership is still regarded as a "New" member, but other people have "Elite" or "Platinum" under their profile, and they have more coloured spots under their name, and I have only one. So what is the difference between these levels, and how does it work? Just curious....

    Dorothy, nice to see you on the Forum. The status of "New Member" vs. "Elite" vs. "Platinum" has nothing to do with the longevity of your membership. We've figured out that it has everything to do with how many times one has participated on the Forum. You're considered a "New Member" because you've posted onto the Forum five times. I don't know why TQS has done this or why they deem it important enough to characterize us that way. A couple of weeks ago this question came up on the Forum is this is the best we can figure it out. Perhaps the Forum moderator can give us more insight.


      You know...I don't think it means it really doesn't make sense !! I think it came with
      the "package" so to speak as did other features that don't work or are nonsensical. :silly: :blink: :S


        MQResource has the same type of thing on their web site. You are classified based on the number of posts you have made to the forum. It's just a way to encourage participation in discussions, but not anything to worry about.


          I don't think its really necessary !


            So just ignore it, the same as the rest of us are now doing :lol:


              Personally I think it's a disincentive, along with the 'wall' because every comment I make ends up splattered all over the wall - and if I comment on a few things there is nothing but my profile photo all over the wall. It's made me want to keep my big mouth shut instead! Not the desired affect perhaps, but there you have it.


                Since the "New Member, etc " labels are confusing and inaccurate, can we just have them eliminated?


                  Originally posted by "Reetzbobeetz" post=126197
                  Personally I think it's a disincentive, along with the 'wall' because every comment I make ends up splattered all over the wall - and if I comment on a few things there is nothing but my profile photo all over the wall. It's made me want to keep my big mouth shut instead! Not the desired affect perhaps, but there you have it.
                  Now I am really out of it. What Wall? Obvioustly, I never go there. Are my comments there too? Maybe no one else goes there either. Then there would be no worries, Rita. Hopefully that it. Somehow I doubt it. I just come to the Forum. It's seems to me that is working like before, but maybe not.


                    I get what Rita was writing about....And Yes ! What you write here shows up on
                    the "Community wall" And some of the comments from the groups show up
                    there too....Some folks write there...and it can show up here...or not ! .go figure ! Well...
                    repeat, repeat, repeat !! This program..if that is what it bloated with a ton of
                    useless stuff....for the lack of a better way to describe it ! We can only hope some day it
                    will be better. The Wall I might add...some times adds you to the "like" list of a comment
                    even tho' you never read it....And all those multiples of pictures and thanks going thru post
                    after post ! :evil: :evil: :evil: My forum first !! :angry: :evil: :blink: Sorry for the rant !!!


                      The wall also puts your first comment , so if you write something stupid or unintentionally rude your edit isn't shown

                      I don't look there now there is a tab for groups

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        I don't look there either. I go directly to the forum.

                        living in Central Denmark
                        Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                          Marilyn, I'm with you on the "bloated with a ton of useless stuff" we quilters don't need all that rubbish


                            It's like I have at very frustrating times said to my children, "You're just darn lucky I love you so much."


                              :evil: :evil: :sick: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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