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Show 1602 Sally Collins

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    Show 1602 Sally Collins

    I loved this show and certainly learned a lot about precision sewing great stuff.

    I LOVE Sally Collins. I was fortunate to take a day long class with her a year ago. Wow what a great teacher. I have applied many of her techniques and ideas still. She is the one teacher that really helps with the nuts and bolts of precision quilting.

    Sharon in warm Colorado


      Watched this today too. It was brilliant, and just what I needed, now I have a miniature in the works :cheer: I especially appreciated the advice for putting the pieces under the foot, not just feeding them from the edge.


        Sharon, I envy you taking a class from Sally Collins we don't seem to get the opportunity for many classes where I live.
        You didn't have to mention the warm weather in Colorado when we are freezing in the UK.
        Enjoy the sun, Spring will soon be here's my favourite time of year.


          Those tips and techniques really do apply to all sizes of pieces and I have used the chain piecing technique since that class. Also, I take my time more and measure much more, and more carefully than I did before. She is also a really lovely person.


            What a great show ! When I started quilting in earnest in the '90s ..I started with minatures.,
            Go figure ! :silly: And Sally Collins was a real influence ! Of course there are others, but her methods
            and skill-building tricks were/are a boon. I still love mini.s today, tho they are more challenging than ever,
            as my eyes and fingers change ! :blink: "A to Z" has been such fun...Thanks ! Andree....and I'm looking
            forward to this yrs BOM...when I get started ! :blush: This show will get more views !


              What a special show. I applying her tips now as I chain piece 16 patch squares - the feeding through the machine and her pressing/applying weight to the ironed block method. Works like a charm.


                After watching this show. I emailed Sally asking her two questions. I will share her response here just in case anyone else was wondering the same things.

                "Sally, Thank you for the show you did today on The Quilt Show. I believe what I Iearned today will make me a much happier quilter.
                Two questions: What tool did you use to cut the templates?
                Also, what kind of iron did you use?
                Sincerely, Judith Austin from Virginia"

                Sally's response:
                Hi Judith,
                Thank you for your kind words about the show. In answer to your questions, 1) I use an Olfa Craft Knife to cut templates but an exacto knife could work as well; 2) I use a Continental brand iron with no steam holes as I always press with a hot dry iron.
                Piece, Sally"


                  Judith, the Continental iron can be purchased at I have had one for five years and it's wonderful. The end is a little more pointed than other irons, which I like when pressing seams with points, and it has no holes in the plate. When I actually need steam, I use a little spritz bottle. It's great product, and not expensive.


                    I wish we could buy a dry iron in the UK I have searched the net but no luck.


                      Beverly, Thank you.
                      I will be 69 this week. I think I will buy one for my birthday!



                        This was a wonderful show. Sally is a great teacher. I've seen quite a few of her quilts in person. She was a founder and the first president of my quilt guild, the Simi Valley Quilt Guild. For one of our big anniversaries, she came back to Simi Valley as a speaker, and brought lots of quilts. She actually passed them around, and we could see the tiny precise details. What a treat! Her techniques are not difficult, but many of us find it not so easy to maintain the care needed to make every piece just right. So glad that Ricky and Alex brought her to TQS. Thank you, Alex and Ricky!


                          Ann - try here, or, or here



                          All I did was enter dry iron UK on google, there were a heap more too.... :whistle:


                            Thanks for the link to the iron, I just ordered one. Janet


                              I bought one of Sallys books, when I first started to quilt. I loved being able to actually watch her show her techniques. I am a perfectionist at heart, and try to do everything as precisely as possible, not always succesful, but even just attempting to be more precise helps me make better quilts.


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