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    It is now easier to get to the Member Groups page. Put your mouse pointer over the CONNECT tab at the top of any page; the drop down menu now lists MEMBER GROUPS which will take you directly to the groups list when you click on it.

    IMPORTANT TIP: For now when you click on a group listing, the default page you come to is Recent Friend's Posts aka the wall. You can post a message there, but it will eventually disappear since it is not linked to a Discussion. So, please click on the DISCUSSIONS tab to the right of Recent Friend's Posts. On the Discussions page you can add a message to an existing topic or create a new topic just like you do in the forum. I've asked webmaster Bob to make the Discussions page the default when you click on a group, but until then please be sure to make your comments under Discussions and not on the wall.

    Merry Christmas to all,


    For me...75 years of age and not really computer savvy.... TQS is getting more difficult to find my way around.
    A lot of the things discussed just go over the top of my head. DOH!
    But I still love it I just hope I live long enough to work it all out Ha! Ha! :lol:
    And I still don't have a cloud...?


      Thank you forum angel I'll try it And Happy Christmas

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Thanks ! I'm sure that'll be nice to use ! And...I've stayed logged in for 3 whole days !!...How
        good is that?! Hope it lasts a while . :lol: :lol: :lol:


          I agree, Anne1........ I stay up to date but still not liking the new format. I guess with everything it will grow on me. :S


            Ok, all you "old ladies" who think they can't learn any new tricks, here's an inspirational story for you. This spring, my quilt guild was looking for new officers to nominate, they asked me to be secretary, but I declined because I don't like taking notes (even though I have worked many years as an administrative assistant). So, I volunteered to be VP. Well, I then found out that an 80 year old member, with no secretarial experience and very little computer knowledge, volunteered to be secretary. Yes, I felt a bit sheepish and then found out she lives within walking distance of my house. So, for the first few months, I went to her place and showed her how to save the notes she had taken in a computer file and then how to email them to all the board members. She felt like she would never remember all the steps every month, but now she does it all by herself! Way to go BJ! Learning new things keeps the brain young.

            And, I am so glad I met her as she is an incredibly talented and prolific quilter! Such an inspiration. Eighty and young at heart.

            So, don't be down on yourself if you are a bit out of your comfort zone with the new set up - I'm sure you will come to feel all cozy here with time.




              Thanks. We need all the encouragement we can get.


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