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machine applique and thread breaks

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    machine applique and thread breaks

    When machine appliqueing with the double blanket stitch, what do you do if the thread breaks? How do you secure the stitches where the thread broke? I just had this happen on my practice piece and want to know how to fix it before I start on my new project. Same if bobbin thread runs out during applique...

    Thanks for any suggestions!!

    Lynnie, I use the double blanket stitch all the time on appliqué pieces. When my thread breaks I Start one blanket stitch back do a fix stitch on the machine (stitches up and down
    in place, and then stitch over the last blanket stitch. It is not noticeable and I have never had any come undone later, even on quilts that have been washed. Another idea would
    be to turn the piece over and put a little Fray Check or Liquid Stitch on a cue tip and dab the last couple stitches to glue them so they can't come undone. Hope this helps.


      Helen, thank you so much for the wonderful advice! It definitely will help me as I start this project with a lot more confidence. It sounds like the perfect solution and if the stitches don't come undone on quilts that have been washed, I know it will work for me. Thanks for taking the time to help me. I appreciate it...have a wonderful day!!


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