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marinar's compass

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    Hi Chris! Welcome to the place for getting ANY and ALL quilting questions answered! Yes, I'd go with paper piecing in a heartbeat! For accuracy and less rippits!

    I'm in a suburb of Houston, TX. Quilter, needler of any kind of fabric, watercolorist, retired Nurse Practitioner, gram of 2.


      Hi Chris,
      This is a photo of my mariners compass. It's so long since I posted a photo on the forum that it may not work but here goes
      Oh my goodness I think it worked.
      It's not a very good photo though!


        WooHoo Anne! Looks wonderful!


          Lovely mariners compass Anne. I have the same pattern but never tried it. You have given me the confidence to give it a try some time soon. I love the colours you chose, very soft and warm.


            Thanks Ritzy and Rita for your kind words. Rita I found the pattern really easy and used batiks.
            I got the pattern from "Fons and Porter" Love of Quilting magazine March/April 2007.


              Beautiful mariner's compass, Anne. Love the soft colors and the simplicity of the quilting accentuates the center design perfectly.


                Beautiful, Anne! Welcome, Chris~

                in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                  Anne, your Marinar's compass is breath taking, when I do mine I hope it looks just as good as yours. I lost my MOJO for a month & can't get back in the swing of things. I was gone for a wk to watch grands & when I got back I had no ambition what so ever. I think the weather has something to do with it as it has been way below 0 over here for a wk now & coming for another wk. right now it's -21 below this is what living in upper WI gets you. I need some one to kick me in the behind & tell me sternly to get up & do it!!! Sorry that I needed to vent.

                  in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                    Chris I know just how you feel I hadn't done any patchwork for months as I was doing a large x stitch for a friend and couldn't wait to get back to my machine, But when I went to the sewing room I didn't know what to do, So I started small with a colourful Christmas wall hanging, but I still procrastinate and spend way too much time on my laptop......jigsaws...... mah-jong.......solitaire ....etc. such a time waster.
                    But I am making an effort to sew.
                    Hope you get your mojo back.
                    In freezing UK but only zero how do you manage -21?


                      Originally posted by anne1
                      Chris I know just how you feel I hadn't done any patchwork for months as I was doing a large x stitch for a friend and couldn't wait to get back to my machine, But when I went to the sewing room I didn't know what to do, So I started small with a colourful Christmas wall hanging, but I still procrastinate and spend way too much time on my laptop......jigsaws...... mah-jong.......solitaire ....etc. such a time waster.
                      But I am making an effort to sew.
                      Hope you get your mojo back.
                      In freezing UK but only zero how do you manage -21?

                      I got my MOJO back, church called & wanted a MARY outfit for XMAS service 12-15 & I think that was God's sign I'm now so excited, PRAISE THE LORD.

                      Now it's 0 & with a wind chill -22 below 0 we usually get this in Jan but weather is very weird here this yr. We manage cuz we're used to this in upper WI gotta love it here. I have a friend in Prembroke, Canada & sometimes our weather is colder than hers. Take care :-) I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy now <3


                        Come join us here. We'll do our best to at least try to warm your spirit. I think if I spent a week taking care of my Grandchildren I might loose my MoJo too! Mine are 9,7,5 & 2yrs old. My son has the oldest 3 and i get tired just watching them in action. It's just not as easy as it use to be. Glad you are feeling better.


                          Yes, paper piecing does make it possible to make razor edge and knife sharp stars. The only thing that I would add is
                          the following recommendation with regard to a course of action. Get a small pattern for a paper pieced star. Get the feel of
                          this tecnique. Relax your shoulders, take the time to get closely acquainted with sewing in paper piecing. This is a good idea
                          with any new concept. Take the fear and sweat out of a big job by doing a few little ones first , using your new learned skill !


                            Originally posted by Frostythesewman
                            Yes, paper piecing does make it possible to make razor edge and knife sharp stars. The only thing that I would add is
                            the following recommendation with regard to a course of action. Get a small pattern for a paper pieced star. Get the feel of
                            this tecnique. Relax your shoulders, take the time to get closely acquainted with sewing in paper piecing. This is a good idea
                            with any new concept. Take the fear and sweat out of a big job by doing a few little ones first , using your new learned skill !
                            Is using 'paper' better than using the old fashioned pellon that they use to use before paper was better :?: I have yrds & yrds of paper pieced pellon used just for pp. I know to use tiny stitches but what is better? With the pellon it is thicker & washes up OK but by using paper does it get stretched out easier? Can't you tell that I don't know what is easier?

                            MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone here I guess I have a new family using this forum from now on
                            Ho Ho Ho Chris


                              Definitely a family here. With paper piecing--you have to remove the paper before quilting. Ricky Tims has a product that can be used for PP and left in and becomes soft when washed.


                                I am now a fan of paper piecing but I used to totally dislike it. I couldn't do it. It would go upside down and whonko and I would end up having to unsew and resew and on and on. But then TQS put on Carol Doak's video for a while. I watched it twice and totally understood it after that. They no longer have that video available, because it was one of those extras that only run for a short while, but you can obtain it from her website. Also, Carol Doaks was a guest on TQS show 1213 where she also explains her methods. I can only add to that that I found if I use a higher number thread (I use Superior Bottom Line) to do the piecing and press with an iron between steps I get a better result. I also use a see-through paper, which helps me a lot. Hope this helps.

                                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14


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