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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
Defeated! Please tell me I'm not the only one....
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Defeated! Please tell me I'm not the only one....
So, surely some of you have, at one time or another, thrown in the towel and said, "Enough! I give up, I can't make this work. I quit!"
Please??? Yes???
I just finished quilting the Mario quilt for my son (the one for which I was using clear thread on top) and made an adorable label for the back. It was to go in sections down the middle, resembling the ending credits of the video game -- so "Zach's Mario Level" "Designed by Zach Last Name, Age 8" "Made By Heather Last Name, Mom" "(c) 2013" -- each of those a separate section, so would be on separate rows.
But. I need clear thread on the front. I have to put these on the back, so I can't see the front. No problem, I remember a trick of Ricky's -- do a loose straight stitch just inside of where you'll do the zig-zag. Then flip the quilt over and do your zig-zag butting up against the guide line you stitched. Then remove the guide stitch. No problem! Easy!
Except, this involves turning/pivoting the quilt, in the big fat middle, with all that bulk, and my machine's throat is not that big. Did.Not.Work. I had to cut the thread to get the quilt out, as it was just stuck, too much bulk to move while attached.
Okay, no problem. New plan. I'll put the labels all together in a row and put them up at the top edge, so that I only have to go down the edge, then just a bit, then down again. Now, the first thing was a circle with the logo on it; the logo is red circle, white M. So I put it in the corner and did a zig zag. I had light blue in the bobbin, which is the color of the front, so decided to just go over it one time -- the blue would blend in. No problem!
Except, the red thread went through to the other side. Is that a tension thing??? Or a zig-zag thing??? Does the top thread usually go through when doing zig-zag?? I've never paid attention before......
So, can't have a red circle up in the blue sky, so ripped that out oh-so-carefully and for the moment, gave up. The quilt itself is done -- quilted, binded (bound?), and now in the wash with about 10 color-catchers so that he can sleep with it on his bed tonight.
My sweet boy said "you don't need that on the back, you know, you can leave it off" so I might do just that. The labels didn't turn out as nice as I'd have liked anyway (trying to fake embroider letters with a zig-zag......oh my word).
So --- rather than a "woe is me" post, how 'bout a "my funniest quilt mistake" or "oh, the thing that just made me call it quits was...." thread. I've not been this annoyed since I tried that very first sunburst block that you all helped me with (from the diary quilt).
But the quilt itself turned out fantastic! so it's all goodYour turn --- who has a story of a quilt getting the better of you???
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To answer your zig-zag question, yes, it is a tension issue. You can use a sample piece to get your tension correct.
As for the label, I also generally put my labels on by hand. Every once in a while I'll put the label on the back before quilting, usually if the label is very large and should be quilted or if I'm using an extra block for the label and decide to piece it into the back.
I can't think of any defeats right now. I know I've been very frustrated while working on some things (more often than I'd like to admit), but once I finish up I tend to forget the frustration pretty quickly. My philosophy with quilts is that as long as it's put together so that it won't fall apart, then it can always provide warmth so it's a success. So, for me, nothing is a failure! But the design can definitely change along the way....
- IP
Carole, yes, I will probably put it on by hand later. For now, it just went into the dryer, so that tonight it can go on his bed.
Nancy, thank you for the info about the tension. I will mess with it and see if I can get it straightened up. Thank you!
I do think perhaps I should have said "temporarily" before the word defeated, as indefinitely don't ever quit for good. Just knew that, for today, I was d.o.n.e. done with that thing. Now I have a new understanding of the TQS tag line, tomorrow's a new day. Maybe tomorrow I will tackle putting the label on by hand.
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At times to put a label on the back of a quilt especialy if I want it in the middle or so, I turn the edges under a 1/4 inch then I use double sided fusible and fuse the label down and then hand much easier I have found.
Taree NSW - Australia
My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself
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Originally posted by twigletIn answer to your first post Yes, that's why I have so many UFO'sops:
ops: :lol:
Well, yes, partly it was the "sewing by hand" business, but still. One block in that quilt gave me such fits that I just set the whole thing aside for quite some time. Eventually I just did the part of the block I could do, then appliqued it to a background instead of trying to figure out those inset Y seams. Ditto that for the one that had curved piecing in it.
What I'm trying to say is, I prefer the term "NFY" -- Not Finished Yet -- instead of UFO. :mrgreen: If there's any hope of ever, one day, going back and finishing them -- change their nameIf not, throw them back in your stash or pass on to someone or whatever so there's no more guilt.
Taree NSW - Australia
My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself
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Originally posted by PatchworkjillAt times to put a label on the back of a quilt especialy if I want it in the middle or so, I turn the edges under a 1/4 inch then I use double sided fusible and fuse the label down and then hand much easier I have found.
Taree NSW - Australia
My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself
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If it is going to see a lot of washing I would recommend hand sewing as well as using the fusible to keep it in place (I am not a great fan of fusibles/adhesives mixed with fabrics for the long term. But they do have their uses & place).
As for nearly throwing in the towel with this quilt - why do you think so many quilters have more than one project on the go at a time :wink: sometimes you just need to step away from it for a while and give you and it a bit of breathing space. (Ok I have one quilt top that has had 3 years of breathing space :roll: , but I do intend to go back to it one day)
Taree NSW - Australia
My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself
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I run at least three projects in progress at once for this very reason and because sometimes I run out of something I need. Recently, though, I had a situation where I ran out of something or needed a new color on something on all three projects, so I am thinking of adding a fourth for my regular routine. Also, I will say it is not defeat to move to a different method when one doesn't's common sense.
"Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
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I guess I work a little differently. I generally have about 50 UFOs at any time. I switch around depending on deadlines, if I'm stuck on something, and what I'm interested in working on. :wink:
Since this is a hobby for me, the most important thing is that it be fun. It's certainly fun to finish things and I strive for that, but I rarely have time to finish anything for myself. So I generally plug away at things for me and finish up things for others. It really bothers a friend of mine who doesn't like having unfinished things sitting around, but it works for me. And I get so excited when I run across a project that I had forgotten about. It's like Christmas!
- IP
Originally posted by rehakI guess I work a little differently. I generally have about 50 UFOs at any time. I switch around depending on deadlines, if I'm stuck on something, and what I'm interested in working on. :wink:
Since this is a hobby for me, the most important thing is that it be fun. It's certainly fun to finish things and I strive for that, but I rarely have time to finish anything for myself. So I generally plug away at things for me and finish up things for others. It really bothers a friend of mine who doesn't like having unfinished things sitting around, but it works for me. And I get so excited when I run across a project that I had forgotten about. It's like Christmas!
"Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
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Maybe you remember a few years ago, I was so frustrated with a quilt that was the worst in my life. Everything was a challenge from the beginning to the end. I was so near throwing it in the trash, but finally I finished it and hang it on my wall. It was there for 26 hours, then a dear friend of mine came by, fell in love with it and since then it has been in her clinic. Funny thing is that I missed it, when it was gone.
I sew my label on by hand.
living in Central Denmark
Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance
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