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Best place to learn trapunto on TQS site

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    Best place to learn trapunto on TQS site

    I need to know where to sew. I am putting an extra layer of batt under some spheres to give the illusion of dimension. Where do I sew down the batt? Would it be just inside the sphere or just outside the sphere?

    Where can I see a demo of the right technique? I can't remember where I've seen it. I need to know asap so I can do my son's Christmas present.

    Thanks, Jan

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    This wasn't on the TQS site, but I did find this Simply Quilts video link with Karen McTavish. Karen is the queen of trapunto and you might be able to pick up some ideas here:

    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


      I don't have access to the TQS episode with Philippa Naylor (episode 606) but have her book, "Quilting in the Limelight" in which she showcases beautiful, simple-to-do trapunto. Could that be the episode you were looking for?


        Show 606 featuring Phillipa Naylor shows an easy way to do trapunto. It's on my list of "to do one day" projects!


          The trapunto batting spheres could be in either area, depending on what you are going to do for stitching.

          If you will be using dense stitching outside the sphere, and quilting right up to it tightly, then let the batting sphere be a smidge bigger, perhaps 1/8" so you catch it with your quilting.

          If you will not be stitching tightly up to the edges of the spheres, but will be stitching on the spheres themselves, very close to the edges but still on the sphere fabric, then make the batting the same size. The top stitching will keep it in place.

          Spray basting the batting spheres in place will help prevent them from shifting as you work on and around them.

          I personally prefer the slightly larger batting with the denser stitching around them... it will make them pop more.


          And yes Philippa Naylor is one of the queens of trapunto and her show is excellent!


            Thanks Michelle. I used some old batting that may be a poly cotton blend. I plan on stitching densely in the "sky" background. Got to finish it by Christmas. Thanks Jan


              Since I just joined TQS in March of 2011, I am gradually collecting the DVD's of the old shows. I just viewed Episode 410 with John Flynn. In it Ricky demonstrates creating trapunto feathers using water soluble thread. I think its how I'd do trapunto if I wanted to use the technique. I wish there would be an index on the cite which would help us find those things. So often I have a question regarding a specific technique, I remember seeing it as an add on to a show and have no idea how to find it easily. Lois


                Lois, one of the other members has done a spread sheet of all the episodes and put it on the site for others to share, unfortunately I cannot for the life of me remember where it is, you could try using search facility on the board, or hope that the alternative search engine, aka Margo, comes to your rescue :wink:


                  I'll put my money on the alternative search engine - aka Margo. LOL. Wouldn't it be great if those things were automatically indexed on the cite as Episode's appear? Perhaps they are and I can't find where. Lois


                    Originally posted by loise98
                    I'll put my money on the alternative search engine - aka Margo. Lois
                    :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      Go to the Daily Blog page and click on the Search button in the right border. Type in trapunto and see the results.
                      Livermore, California, USA near San Francisco



                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Hello, I'm the member who did the spreadsheet. I stop updating the documents after series 9, because the search function on TQS has improved a lot. Though if you want to put in your own comments to be able to search them too, you can download my document and go on working with it. Here are the links. I have some problems with the doc version, so the difference between the plain version and rev1 is that episode 913 is in the last. If you have a newer Word, I recommend you take the docx version.




                          Merry Christmas to all my TQS friends. I so appreciate you being a part of my life.

                          living in Central Denmark
                          Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                            Norma, thank you very much! I have saved your updated spreadsheet. I had meant to keep it updated when I saved an earlier edition but haven't ops:

                            Merry Christmas to you too.

                            In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                              Merry Christmas and thank you all. If you want to see the results I posted the quilt on my profile and it's on the quilt gallery as of yesterday. The hardest part was appliqueing the bent checkerboard and also trying to weave the spheres. I cheated on the small ones and used checkerboard fabric. I used Laura Wasiloski's techniques and techniques from Anna Faustino and another quilter whom I took a class from who makes misty fuse. The name is unusual and she does her technique on one of the videos here. Jan

                              In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


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