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Puzzle Problems

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    Puzzle Problems

    I have not been able to connect to the Puzzles for a couple of weeks now. Is anyone else having problems? I really enjoy doing the puzzle each week and really miss it.

    They've been working fine for me, so it must be something on your system. I know what you mean about the puzzles. I love them!


      They work just fine for me too. JackieOL, you might want to send a message to tech support.

      Go up to the purple bar; under DAILY BLOG click CONTACT US from the drop down menu;
      select "Website: technical support" from the drop down menu;
      fill in your info and click CONTINUE to send it.

      Good luck! I love the puzzles too!

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        Yep. They are working for me too. Rita.


          We use Internet Explorer. I get this message: A problem with this web page caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab. Then this message...When a Web site causes a failure or crash Internet Explorer attempts to restore the site. It stops after two tries to avoid an endless loop. Does anyone else use Internet Explorer and not having this problem, why is it picking on me :cry:


            Why don't you try signing on with Google Chrome! I don't know if Guru Bob would have any more advice for you or not, but you can still contact him.

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              I'm using Internet Explorer with no problem. I don't know which version I'm on since my laptop is at home and I'm at work now. But it should be the latest that is automatically updated by the Microsoft update software.

              I noticed that the puzzle software changed a bit several weeks ago, and maybe that's when the incompatibility with your system started. It used to be that you had a moveable menu in the upper-left corner of the puzzle area that could get in the way of the pieces. All of that functionality has been moved to below the puzzle area. Also, the software now keeps track of what you have done in the past so if you open a puzzle that you completed before, you will now see it in its completed state. The changes themselves aren't important to you, but the fact that they changed might be.

              Also, it looks like our puzzles are actually run by Jigsaw Planet ( At least, the software looks the same. You might want to go there directly and see if their other puzzles work for your system.


                New install of Java did the trick, thanks tech support!!!


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