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Your Quilting Studio

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    Originally posted by Scoopie
    This whole set-up works well for me, and my husband and I are no longer disconnected!
    That's why I chose to make over the downstairs bedroom instead of one upstairs. My studio is centrally located so that DH walks by the door when going anywhere downstairs. He can stop to talk through the screen door whenever he wants. I knew that would be a major problem if I was upstairs all the time.

    Cats: I have a parade, too, no matter where I go in the house.


      My studio is still under construction, but I have pictures posted on my blog
      @ Pop on over for a visit, I have made some small changes since this post.


        My sewing space is approximately 20 feet by 20 feet. Our carpenter built giant cubby holes of different sizes for storage, including one tall space for quilting frame poles and the like.
        When the sliding doors are closed, it reduces the visual clutter. All the furniture (table, quilting frame, machine quilting table, sewing cabinet, and ironing center) are on wheels. I change layouts as project needs change. The design wall is approximately 10 feet by 10 feet. When necessary, I use a step ladder to reach the top when laying out a large queen-size quilt. My design wall is layered with cotton batting stapled to the wall--I find this the best material for holding the weight of multiple blocks sewn together. The sewing station is the top of a kitchen-type stainless steel cart; the gridded open surface allows me to use towels as the ironing surface--it's also great to pin into when I need the third or fourth hand when ironing over starched seam allowances.

        Check out my profile for photos.



          What great feedback! Thank you all for such wonderful ideas. I'm going to print this "thread" and save it.

          My new dilemma is that we have decided to begin to start preping the house to put it on the market in late winter/early spring. Now what to do? Still debating on moving things downstairs but not attaching anything to the walls, which will also clean-up the look upstairs, or just leave it as is and tidy up. Decisions decisions... what does the bible say, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways..." I'm in trouble. :wink:


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