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Virtual Retreat 2016

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    Lots of great stuff going on and lots of hard work too....
    Looks like the candy jar needed a refill



      Thanks Lotti :cheer: just in time for a short break :lol:I'm working on the quilt for my son that I didn't get some in time for Christmas :blush:
      Dawn...just got over a miserable cold, so I feel your pain...hopefully it won't last too long :S
      Rosemary don't envy you having to move everything, but will be sooo worth it in the end


        Mission accomplished. The lounge is empty and we have finally got rid of the manky brown carpet which we have loathed to the last 15years. Took all 3 of us , Izzy worked really hard too. The best bit is that the dreadful artex on the coving of the ceiling is coming off much easier than anticipated too. The worst bit is that the books &some of the furniture is in the tent in the garden


          Heather - your son's quilt looks great - looking forward to progress pictures.
          Geneva - great bag love the fabric. Wow neat picture of your grand boys - they'll have fun for sure.
          Lotti - thanks for candy treat!
          Rosemary - glad to hear your huge project is underway - hopefully it won't take too long to complete.
          Judith - how did you go with the snow?



            Oh my goodness.... all of you were busy chatting this weekend and I was piecing for me.

            Geneva... your bag fabric is great! I have a large tote with what I call my b00by-sewing ladies. I forget the fabric designer name right now but clothes of red tomato pin cushions, etc. Everyone comments when I use it to take a quilt for show & tell or load up for a workshop.

            I have been slowly putting my 24" swoon blocks together. I've gone from layout to oopss... missing one horizontal row of sashing attached at least once... but to at least rows with star posts & sashings.

            The odd triangles pinned to the blocks are for the next row of border to finish the outer edge of mini stars. Another day, I'm thinking. Thankfully, DH hasn't stepped on any pins while this has been in the living room and hanging into the "path". :whistle:

            We also worked about 3 hours putting more tile in our bathroom. Together! And no one was injured in the joint venture. :kiss:

            @julesquilts on IG 
            working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
            Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
            Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


              Yum, Lottie! Thank you! I needed something sweet after my chicken quesadillas. It was the easiest thing I could fix for dinner.

              Luann, thanks for the reminder on the vitamin D. I do take a D supplement, but have been remiss since I have started with my Invisalign braces. Not sure why, but taking my vitamins doesn't always happen, since some of them are chewies. Actually, I've even considered one of those lights that people use when they live in areas with not much sun in the wintertime. Last spring I realized I felt better on days that I sat out in the sun on the deck for 15 or 20 minutes. I've been taking Airborn as a supplement also, this winter. I was sick way too many days last year. I pray this year is better! You stay well, too!

              Dorothy, just wanted to let you know that I made, completed, and packaged up your row while I was well! There are no cold germs on it! (Knock on wood!). I am excited to think that you will get it tomorrow. At least, you should! Marilyn's took 4 days to get from Idaho to Montana, first class, flat. So, I'm going by that.

              To all who haven't mailed theirs yet, it cost around $1.30 to mail the rows if folded flat and put into an envelope about the simple of one block. This is the price for going about one state away. Of course mailing onto Canada or across the pond, will be more! But you'all are worth it!



                Joyce - your piecing looks great!



                  this was posted on Jamie Wallen's facebook page today (he was on TQS a few months ago). I thought it should be shared here - hopefully the link works. I have heard this message before in a different format, but this one resonated today. Hopefully someone else will find meaning in it too.


                  I can't wait to see how the graduation quilt comes out - It's looking beautiful!

                  The swoon blocks are beautiful as well. Are you going to add more pieced boarders or leave them plain for quilting designs? Either would be beautiful - always eager to see the decisions others make.

                  Everyone else your work is wonderful - I'm always inspired when I check in :lol:

                  Finally caught up for the weekend - notes done, laundry washed/folded and put away, children fed/bathed/put into jammies. Even had time to finish my rows for January and February this afternoon during nap time! (they will be headed to the post office the first part of this week - thanks for being patient!) Plan to snuggle on the couch with the boys and finish watching "Lego Movie" before bed then off to the sewing room for a little quality stress relief.

                  Enjoy the brief remainder of your weekend!

                  ~ Jen


                    ... coming back to say.... I bought the background and then had to go back for more fabric for sashings & borders which were still a bit undecided at the time. When I started to lay this all out this week, I see the additional fabric that I have for sashings & borders is a tad lighter than the backgrounds. The shop said it was a standard fabric they keep around and ordered a new bolt when I came looking for more fabric.

                    The next border will be the cream with the finishing sides of the stars in the posts. The last outer border will be the same fabric and the same width. Finished 2". Yes... room for my quilting. I made 1 swoon block into a table topper and did a lot of dense quilting on it. I suppose I shouldn't do that on this large quilt. It finishes to 88" x 88".

                    @julesquilts on IG 
                    working farm wife and quilter in the off-seasons
                    Modern quilter, QOV volunteer, Improv, FPP w/o stitching on paper, freehand quilting on my long-arm.
                    Bernina Artista 200E, Elna Serger, Handi Quilter Fusion, a lot of old Singers and other vintage and antique machines.


                      Oh Jen! Thank you so much! That video brought tears to my eyes. It is so true.

                      Here I was anguishing over Sybil, (my sewing machine) not playing nice today while I was trying to sew the Velcro down on the "easy" duvet cover. Sybil won. She doesn't like the sticky stuff that holds the Velcro down. However, after a walk in the beautiful sunshine I felt better and decided I didn't have to get this duvet completed in record time. Instead I relaxed and enjoyed the sound of a sparkling clean Sybil while she helped me make lovely French seams with topstitching.

                      Dawn, I'm sorry you are so sick. There is some awful cold thing going around. My mother and husband both had it but are feeling better. It took them a good 2 weeks before the coughing and icky feeling left them. Lord only knows why I didn't get it. But I thank him!

                      Rosemary, I'm glad your lounge is empty. It will feel so good to have new floor coverings. Please post a picture.

                      You all are so great..... geneva


                        Thank you Jen, that's my thought for the day. I don't know if anyone feels the same but it's a conflict between letting go and being happy with your life as it is now and needing the impetus looking forward to the next good thing to make you motivated and optimistic. As they say in meditation your life is the moment you are in now not the future or the past. Be at peace with yourself my TQS friends.

                        Joyce I love your quilt, the colours are so calming. Lovely.

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          Jen, thank you for the video. It really touched me.
                          Joyce loved the quilt
                          Geneva, loved your bag too.
                          I have been keeping busy, but not with dishes or housework. I am working on some cute little appliques. Hope to finish them before the next mystery quilt clue. I also must finished the quilt in my longarm. Wishing you all a good week. Dawn, a healthier week for you!


                            Dawn, praying you get well soon.

                            I know the feeling, my quilting mojo seems to be gone now for a while. Wish it come back full force, too many projects want to get on with.



                              wendy, need to lose weight myself. i just HAD knee surgery and found out not just a torn thingamajig, but also arthritis. very sad but....this is the year of getting healthier. i can do it, i can do it, i can do it........


                                My physio said that for every 1lb you lose it's equivalent of 1/2 stone pressure on your knee so that's an incentive. My X-Ray showed arthritis as well. Goes with the years. Good luck with the rehab it sounds hard work. At least we have fabric to stroke

                                As I write this reply there's Rosemary's avatar above it! How strange

                                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


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